This dataset contains raw behavioral responses of 28 participants (M = 29.32 years, SD = 5.62, 17 females). Participants were given a size averaging paradigm. Eight green circles were presented on the screen and three out of eight circles were surrounded by Ebbinghaus inducers. The independent variables were the size of Ebbinghaus inducers (small inducer, large inducer), viewing condition (simultaneous viewing, delayed viewing), and distractor average size (small, large).During the experiment, participants were asked to indicate whether the comparison circle was larger or smaller than the average size of all eight circles. Each row in the dataset represents one trial. Below is a description of the columns: 1. Target Type: Indicating the presence of target either present (present) or absent (mask only). 2. Mask Type: Indicating the experimental conditions: 1: Simultaneous-Small Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Target Present, 2: Simultaneous-Small Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Target Present, 3: Simultaneous-Large Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Target Present, 4: Simultaneous-Large Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Target Present, 5: Delayed-Small Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Target Present, 6: Delayed-Small Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Target Present, 7: Delayed-Large Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Target Present, 8: Delayed-Large Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Target Present, 9: Simultaneous-Small Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Mask only, 10: Simultaneous-Small Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Mask only, 11: Simultaneous-Large Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Mask only, 12: Simultaneous-Large Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Mask only, 13: Delayed-Small Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Mask only, 14: Delayed-Small Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Mask only, 15: Delayed-Large Inducer-Small Distractor Average-Mask only, 16: Delayed-Large Inducer-Large Distractor Average-Mask only. 3. Inducer size: Indicating the size of inducer either 0.7 (small inducer) or 1.3 (large inducer) degrees of visual angle. 4. Target size: Indicating the size of first target, in degrees of visual angle. 5. Target2 size: Indicating the size of second target, in degrees of visual angle. 6. Target3 size: Indicating the size of third target, in degrees of visual angle. 7. Comparison Circle Size: The size of the comparison circle presented on the screen, measured in degrees of visual angle. 8. Small Overall Average: The average size of all circles in small distractor average conditions. 9. Large Overall Average: The average size of all circles in large distractor average conditions. 10. Accuracy: 1 for correct responses, 0 for incorrect responses. 11. Pressed Key: '<' for smaller responses, '>' for larger responses. 12. Labelled Key: Represents the proportion of larger responses (1 for larger, 0 for smaller). 13. Reaction Time: The time (in milliseconds) between the presentation of the comparison circle and the participant’s key press. 14. Distractor Sizes: The sizes of the five distractor circles on the screen, measured in degrees of visual angle. 15. Distractor Average Size: The average size of the five distractor circles. 16. Target Location: The coordinates of the first target position in each trial. 17. Target2 Location: The coordinates of the second target position in each trial. 18. Target3 Location: The coordinates of the third target position in each trial.