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Jülich DATA (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
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12,971 to 12,980 of 12,991 Results
Hierarchical Data Format - 686.1 KB - SHA-256: c870add31c29e84bc15d1be9771b5eace9addd5398c91642ea8ee000bf8620fc
Hierarchical Data Format - 713.3 KB - SHA-256: add9a10058a8677903ff5df466bc19417887205f4e5e6414f956fdd251e063b2
Hierarchical Data Format - 763.3 KB - SHA-256: dcffc4fb6dae848c085d5b72db717099e135a9714f302b8bcc2c563179924d25
Hierarchical Data Format - 611.1 KB - SHA-256: 263bf54034eac2045ba6801b4b872a84ca72424bd9d2e3551cc08e236ede323b
Comma Separated Values - 192.1 KB - SHA-256: f43ce5962d9e71b415a1db70a94734c52f129f10396c5bc3f78c26f666fb10ef
Aug 19, 2020 - Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI)
Müller, Fabian, 2020, "Replication Data for: Measurement of deuteron carbon vector analyzing powers in the kinetic energy range 170–380 MeV",, Jülich DATA, V1
This dataset contains the published vector analyzing powers as function of scattering angle and incident beam energy.
Comma Separated Values - 3.3 KB - SHA-256: acb6431861166ddbf01b655e7cca96ef027a9900aee2a2d827b543337cb2b0d4
The file contains a comma separated list of angular bins and vector analyzing powers for all energies. The first two lines are comments.
Aug 6, 2020 - EL images Dataverse
Buerhop-Lutz, Claudia; Deitsch, Sergiu; Maier, Andreas; Gallwitz, Florian; Berger, Stephan; Doll, Bernd; Hauch, Jens; Camus, Christian; Brabec, Christoph J., 2020, "EL Dataset of PV modules",, Jülich DATA, V1
This repository provides a dataset of solar cell images extracted from high-resolution electroluminescence images of photovoltaic modules. The dataset contains 2,624 samples of 300x300 pixels 8-bit grayscale images of functional and defective solar cells with varying degree of de...
ZIP Archive - 89.0 MB - SHA-256: d6ab63010ebe5e7212dd3218545c2f182a0af791cae99f1381a0283506a7a73e
Zip-file of repository
Jul 14, 2020 - Central Library
Barbers, Irene; Rosenberger, Sonja; Mittermaier, Bernhard, 2020, "Replication Data for: Auf dem Weg zur Open Access-Transformation: Eine datenbasierte Analyse des DFG-Förderprogramms „Open Access Publizieren“",, Jülich DATA, V4
Datenset zum Artikel: Auf dem Weg zur Open Access-Transformation: Eine datenbasierte Analyse des DFG-Förderprogramms „Open Access Publizieren“, eingereicht bei "Informationspraxis". Seit 2010 stellt das DFG-Programm „Open Access Publizieren“ ein zentrales Instrument zur instituti...
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