281 to 290 of 312 Results
Jun 22, 2021 - Earth System Science
Hoffmann, Lars, 2021, "AIRS/Aqua Observations of Volcanic Emissions", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/VPHA3R, Jülich DATA, V1
This data repository provides access to observations of volcanic emissions of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard NASA's Aqua satellite. Volcanic emissions can be detected from AIRS measurements by means of brightness temperature difference (BTD) methods. Emissions of... |
Jun 8, 2021 - Earth System Science
Hoffmann, Lars, 2021, "AIRS/Aqua Observations of Gravity Waves", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/LQAAJA, Jülich DATA, V1
This data repository provides access to atmospheric gravity wave observations of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard NASA's Aqua satellite. Information on stratospheric gravity wave activity is derived from radiance measurements covering the 4.3 and 15 micron carbon di... |
May 31, 2021 - Campus Collection
Ma, Yueling; Montzka, Carsten; Bayat, Bagher; Kollet, Stefan, 2021, "Using Long Short-Term Memory networks to connect water table depth anomalies to precipitation anomalies over Europe", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/WPRA1F, Jülich DATA, V1
This study utilized spatiotemporally continuous precipitation anomaly (pr_a) and water table depth anomaly (wtd_a) from integrated hydrologic simulation results (i.e., the TSMP-G2A data set) over Europe in combination with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to capture the tim... |
May 12, 2021 - Peter Grünberg Institute – Semiconductor Nanoelectronics (PGI-9)
Rosenbach, Daniel; Schmitt, Tobias W.; Schüffelgen, Peter; Stehno, Martin P.; Li, Chuan; Schleenvoigt, Michael; Jalil, Abdul Reman; Mussler, Gregor; Neumann, Elmar; Trellenkamp, Stefan; Golubov, Alexander A.; Brinkman, Alexander; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schäpers, Thomas, 2021, "Data for: Reappearance of first Shapiro step in narrow topological Josephson junctions", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/A6DGGW, Jülich DATA, V1
Reappearance of first Shapiro step in narrow topological Josephson junctions: Source data underlying Figs. 2, 4, 5, and 6 and Supplementary Figs. S1 and S2. |
May 12, 2021 - Central Library
Mittermaier, Bernhard; Barbers, Irene; Putnings, Markus, 2021, "Open Access Monitor: Musterlösungen für Auswertungen zur DFG-Antragstellung Open Access Publikationskosten", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/POJQGJ, Jülich DATA, V4
Das Dataset enthält Musterlösungen zu Auswertungen aus dem Open Access Monitor im Rahmen der Antragstellung für das DFG-Förderprogramm "Open Access Publikationskosten" und bezieht sich auf die Anleitung "Auswertungen zur DFG-Antragstellung mit dem Open Access Monitor". Die Beispi... |
May 4, 2021 - Quantum Mechanics
Baumeister, Paul F., 2021, "Unitary Transform between Radial and Cartesian Representation of the Spherical Harmonic Oscillator Basis", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/MWHIW5, Jülich DATA, V1
The spherical harmonic oscillator is one of the most basic quantum mechanical problems with known analytical solutions in two representations: Radial and Cartesian. This data file provides the coefficient of the unitary transformation connecting the two representations. |
Apr 23, 2021 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Rosanka, Simon; Sander, Rolf; Wahner, Andreas; Taraborrelli, Domenico, 2021, "Model output from CAABA/MECCA obtained during the development of JAMOC", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/SD9F6B, Jülich DATA, V1
This dataset contains the model output from the box-model Chemistry As A Boxmodel Application (CAABA) using the Module Efficiently Calculating the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (MECCA) obtained during the development of the Jülich Aqueous-phase Mechanism of Organic Chemistry (JAMOC... |
Apr 20, 2021 - Waves and Dynamics Dataverse
Polichtchouk, Inna, 2021, "Replication Data for Greenland ECMWF runs 2016-03-10:Orographically-induced Spontaneous Imbalance within the Jet Causing a Large Scale Gravity Wave Event", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/OMK2I9, Jülich DATA, V1
The data repository provides the specialised ECMWF model runs used in Geldenhuys et al. submitted to ACP in 2021. This study identified a new gravity wave source mechanism through a jet-topography interaction. The dataset contains 2 model runs discussed in the publication (CTL-ru... |
Apr 1, 2021 - sans and nse of microemulsions
Holderer, Olaf, 2021, "water/decane/C10E4", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/DJ3LIN, Jülich DATA, V1
Small-angle neutron scattering and spin echo data of water/decane microemulsion, with C10E4 surfactant. |
Feb 24, 2021 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Fuchs, Hendrik; Glowania, Marvin; Dorn, Hans-Peter; Rohrer, Franz, 2021, "Formaldehyde Comparison (CRDS, DOAS, Hantzsch) SAPHIR chamber 2019", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/VE2KNS, Jülich DATA, V1
Three instruments using different techniques were used to measure gaseous formaldehyde (HCHO) concentrations in experiments in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR at Forschungszentrum Jülich. One instrument detected HCHO by using the wet-chemical Hantzsch reaction for effic... |