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Jülich DATA (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

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251 to 260 of 312 Results
Apr 22, 2022 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Cho, Changmin; Fuchs, Hendrik; Hofzumahaus, Andreas; Holland, Frank; Bohn, Birger; Glowania, Marvin; Hohaus, Thorsten; Lu, Liu; Niehter, Doreen; Rohrer, Franz; Sommariva, Roberto; Tan, Zhaofeng; Tillmann, Ralf; Kiendler-Scharr, Astrid; Wahner, Andreas; Novelli, Anna, 2022, "Data Experiments SAPHIR chamber Campaign JULIAC 2019",, Jülich DATA, V1
The data is from experiments in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR. In the JULIAC campaign, ambient air was continuoulsy flowed with a high flow (residence time of air: 1 hour) through the chamber for 4 weeks in each season 2019. Gas-phase species, radicals and aerosol pro...
Apr 14, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Arefi, Hadi H.; Corken, Daniel; Tautz, F. Stefan; Maurer, Reinhard J.; Wagner, Christian, 2022, "Data used in: Design Principles for Metastable Standing Molecules",, Jülich DATA, V3
This data set contains computational data (atomic structures, potential energy profiles) used in our DFT study "Design Principles for Metastable Standing Molecules" DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01514
Apr 1, 2022 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Tillmann, Ralf, 2022, "Replication Data for: Zeppelin flights 2020: Air quality observations",, Jülich DATA, V1
Final data of MIRO measurements acquired during the Zeppelin flights 2020. Data is provided in netCDF-Format.
Mar 29, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
François C. Bocquet; Volker Blum; You-Ron Lin; Markus Franke; Shayan Parhizkar; Serguei Soubatch; Tien-Lin Lee; Miriam Raths; Victor Wen-zhe Yu; F. Stefan Tautz; Christian Kumpf, 2022, "Replication Data for: Boron nitride on SiC(0001)",, Jülich DATA, V2
Fig. 3: correlation temperature-position: position in mm: 21/22/23/24/25/26/27 temperatures in °C: 1100/1125/1150/1175/1200/1225/1250 Fig. 4: Nova: 1100°C Lami: 1150°C *.csv: Line-scan on the BxNy-R0° peak *.asc: Line-scan on the SiC peak Fig. 5: Lars: 1150°C Jane: 1250°C .txt: S...
Mar 29, 2022 - Central Library
Pollack, Philipp; Lindstrot, Barbara; Barbers, Irene; Stanzel, Franziska, 2021, "Open Access Monitor: Zeitschriftenlisten",, Jülich DATA, V2
Das Datenset enthält die im "Open Access Monitor" als Filter bereitgestellten Zeitschriftenlisten mit dem jeweils dort hinterlegten Stand. Die Listen zu den Transformationsverträgen (mit Verlagnamen bzw. Abkürzung) beinhalten, sofern nicht anders benannt, ausschließlich die dem V...
Mar 29, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
You-Ron Lin; Susanne Wolff; Philip Schädlich; Mark Hutter; Serguei Soubatch; Tien-Lin Lee; F. Stefan Tautz; Thomas Seyller; Christian Kumpf; François C. Bocquet, 2022, "Replication Data for: Vertical structure of Sb-intercalated quasifreestanding graphene on SiC(0001)",, Jülich DATA, V1
All file names should be self-explanatory Fig. 2: i09-180152*nxs: ZLG with incomplete Sb intercalation i09-193452*nxs: Sb-intercalated QFMLG Fig. 3: *C1s_XSW*[1 3].dat: Yield curve of the C1s graphene component *C1s_XSW*[2].dat: Yield curve of the C1s bulk component
Mar 29, 2022 - Central Library
Pollack, Philipp; Barbers, Irene; Lindstrot, Barbara; Stanzel, Franziska, 2021, "Open Access Monitor: OA-Zeitschriftenliste DFG-Anträge",, Jülich DATA, V4
Die Liste setzt sich zusammen aus Zeitschriften aus dem "DOAJ" und aus der "Bielefelder Liste" ISSN-Gold-OA. Mirror Journals wurden entfernt. Die Liste dient in der Webanwendung des Open Access Monitors als Filter für Auswertungen zur Unterstützung von Antragstellungen zum DFG Fö...
Mar 28, 2022 - Campus Collection
Ma, Yueling; Montzka, Carsten; Naz, Bibi; Kollet, Stefan, 2021, "Advancing AI-based pan-European groundwater monitoring",, Jülich DATA, V2
This study proposes an AI-based methodology combining Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and transfer learning (TL) to estimate water table depth anomalies (wtd_a) at the European scale in the absence of consistent water table depth (wtd) observational data sets, which is nam...
Mar 23, 2022 - Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Acebron, Kelvin, 2022, "Dataset for the Arabidopsis npq study using active and passive fluorescence and reflectance",, Jülich DATA, V1
This dataset contains all the main and supplementary data collected from diurnal measurements of Arabidopsis npq mutants in the summer of 2017 and winter of 2018. The dataset is composed of reflectance measurements, passive fluorescence signal (SIF) and active fluorescence signal...
Mar 22, 2022 - Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Acebron, Kelvin, 2022, "Specim IQ Camera: Dataset for Arabidopsis Case Study",, Jülich DATA, V1
Hyperspectral imaging is a technique used in plant phenotyping which can detect differences in plant traits. Information about the morphology and physiology of plants can be derived by calculating spectral ratios (Vegetation Indices) from hyperspectral datacube. Here we publish t...
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