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Jülich DATA (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

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231 to 240 of 312 Results
Dec 21, 2022 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Bohn, Birger, 2022, "Replication data for "Optical receiver characterizations and corrections for ground-based and airborne measurements of spectral actinic flux densities"",, Jülich DATA, V2
libRadtran input file examples compatible with version 2.0.4 as well as spectral radiance output and corrections for all atmospheric scenarios. Corrections are specific for the receivers and measurement configurations used in this work.
Nov 28, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Bocquet, François C.; Ibach, Harald; Sato, Haruki; Kubo, Mihiro; Tautz, F. Stefan; Yoshida, Hiroyuki, 2022, "Replication Data for: A novel high-current, high-resolution, low-kinetic-energy electron source for inverse photoemission spectroscopy",, Jülich DATA, V1
The dataset is structured with one folder per figure. Unless otherwise specified, the data names should be self-explaining when looking at the figure in the publication. For Fig. 13, the .txt file contains information about which Potentials and which .csv file is what (see the me...
Nov 24, 2022 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Vereecken, Luc, 2022, "Replication Data for: Comparison of isoprene chemical mechanisms at atmospheric night-time conditions in chamber experiments: Evidence of hydroperoxy aldehydes and epoxy products from NO3 oxidation",, Jülich DATA, V1
Quantum chemical data used for the theoretical kinetic data, including geometries and vibrational wavenumbers at the M06-D3/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory, and energies at methodologies up to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ
Nov 3, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institute – Semiconductor Nanoelectronics (PGI-9)
Zimmermann, Erik; Kölzer, Jonas; Schleenvoigt, Michael; Rosenbach, Daniel; Mussler, Gregor; Schüffelgen, Peter; Heider, Tristan; Pluchinski, Lukasz; Schubert, Jürgen; Lüth, Hans; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schäpers, Thomas, 2022, "Universal conductance fluctuations in a Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2 topological insulator nano-scaled Hall bar structure",, Jülich DATA, V1
This data set includes the raw data of the magnetotransport measurements, as well as the Python source codes that were used for the analysis.
Sep 21, 2022 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Vereecken, Luc, 2022, "Replication Data for: Unexpected significance of a minor reaction pathway in daytime formation of biogenic highly oxygenated organic compounds",, Jülich DATA, V1
Quantum chemical data used for the theoretical kinetic data, including geometries and vibrational wavenumbers at the M06-2X-D3/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory, and energies at methodologies up to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ
Sep 7, 2022 - Campus Collection
Chen, Ying-Jiun; Jan-Philipp Hanke; Markus Hoffmann; Gustav Bihlmayer; Yuriy Mokrousov; Stefan Blügel; Claus M. Schneider; Christian Tusche, 2022, "Data used in: Spanning Fermi arcs in a two-dimensional magnet",, Jülich DATA, V1
We provide here the raw data used to produce the figures in the publication Y.J. Chen et al. XXXXXXX, XX, XXXX, DOI: XXXXXXXX. All metadata necessary to analyze the data are contained in the files.
Sep 2, 2022 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Yang, Xiaosheng; Jugovac, Matteo; Zamborlini, Giovanni; Feyer, Vitaliy; Koller, Georg; Puschnig, Peter; Soubatch, Serguei; Ramsey, Michael G.; Tautz, F. Stefan, 2022, "Data used in: Momentum-selective orbital hybridisation",, Jülich DATA, V1
We present here the raw data used to produce the figures in the publication Yang et al., Nature Communications 13, 5148 (2022) (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32643-z). Unless explicitly stated, all metadata necessary to analyze the data is included in the files (or filenames) themselve...
Aug 31, 2022 - Earth System Science
Gong, Bing; Langguth, Michael; Ji, Yan; Mozaffari, Amirpasha; Stadtler, Scarlet; Mache, Karim; Schultz, Martin G., 2022, "2m Temperature Forecast by Deep Learning",, Jülich DATA, V2
This repository provides the preprocessed datasets, which are used in the study Temperature forecasting by deep learning methods by Gong et al. (2022). This allows the user to reproduce the presented results without running the preprocessing chain from the raw ERA5 data. Data des...
Aug 29, 2022 - Campus Collection
Tesch, Tobias; Kollet, Stefan; Garcke, Jochen; Katragkou, Eleni; Kartsios, Stergios, 2022, "Data set of the manuscript 'Opposite signs in local and nonlocal soil moisture-precipitation couplings across Europe'",, Jülich DATA, V1
This is a data set of the manuscript 'Opposite signs in local and nonlocal soil moisture-precipitation couplings across Europe', submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. It contains data from a convection-permitting (CP) simulation across central Europe. The simulation was perf...
Aug 26, 2022 - Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Structural and functional organisation of the brain (INM-1)
Schmitz, Daniel; Benning, Kai; Schubert, Nicole; Minnerop, Martina; Amunts, Katrin; Axer, Markus, 2022, "Replication Data for: Fast data-driven computation and intuitive visualization of fiber orientation uncertainty in 3D-Polarized Light Imaging",, Jülich DATA, V1
This repository provides the data to replicate the results from: "Fast data-driven computation and intuitive visualization of fiber orientation uncertainty in 3D-Polarized Light Imaging". The dataset contains 20 folders for the data of 20 brain sections ( For every brain...
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