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The dataverse of the Institute of Fusion Energy and Nuclear Waste Management – Plasma Physics (IFN-1)
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1 to 10 of 15 Results
Jul 27, 2022
Kotov, Vladislav, 2022, "Archive of 0D simulations of the CO2 vibrational kinetics",, Jülich DATA, V2
Archive of the results of 0D simulations of the CO2 vibrational kinetics for conditions which mimic those behind shock fronts and in gas discharges. Only CO2 molecules, two-modes approximation [V Kotov, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol, vol. 30 (2021) 055003]
TAR Archive - 1.5 GB - SHA-256: 95b588cc7d64298ab3303ada6b4ec9652f43aa2056dbb323825c44f963f7c2ec
Sep 2, 2021
Koslowski, Hans Rudolf, 2021, "Data and octave codes for: Derivation of an Improved Semi-empirical Expression for the Re-ionisation Background in Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectra",, Jülich DATA, V1
This repository provides the raw data, the fitting results, and the GNU octave codes used for the low energy ion scattering spectra fits (figures 1, 7 and 8) in the publication H. R. Koslowski and Ch. Linsmeier 2021 "Derivation of an Improved Semi-empirical Expression for the Re-...
chemical/x-mopac-input - 6.4 KB - SHA-256: d08bd13996e8bdbb78ef0fa088f758865ad1409083f693ba13cda6b50bfe7845
LEIS experimental spectrum data; ASCII, two columns: E (energy, eV) and N (counts)
application/x-fityk - 18.3 KB - SHA-256: b2e3edc244dc5794e25775411a6d23cb3d4f70325e9291c58ba80e3255d34877
fitted spectrum; file contains experimental data, individual peaks and backgrounds, and sum of all contributions; ASCII, multiple columns, first row are column headers
MATLAB Data - 103.8 KB - SHA-256: 791b55d3d6d0744539920e25cca1f89c67b0979d70bf102f807ac1fbd90422fe
saved octave session; ASCII, file can be loaded from LEISfit.m
chemical/x-mopac-input - 3.7 KB - SHA-256: 440dd30e745062d5a8f8604a07f2caa948b3425d08f9d148f8d3fb55e2e672cd
LEIS experimental spectrum data; ASCII, two columns: E (energy, eV) and N (counts)
application/x-fityk - 5.7 KB - SHA-256: 58b1fa0cf7b2500b7489d98694727847a229889329569099dc165656ecdd3c1a
fitted spectrum; file contains experimental data, individual peaks and backgrounds, and sum of all contributions; ASCII, multiple columns, first row are column headers
MATLAB Data - 31.7 KB - SHA-256: 2e9aa6fe4c1af88a43365d338d49c4ce9671d334fb3a2ed581d7898af41e4d34
saved octave session; ASCII, file can be loaded from LEISfit.m
text/x-objcsrc - 1.2 KB - SHA-256: ca97d41ed6ca187cef5451a1b0a67b4ae00ca8538dc2cd1ecb524031ecfe5aa5
octave function; re-ionisation background using logistic function
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