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Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP) (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
The dataverse of the Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP)
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141 to 147 of 147 Results
Unknown - 1.3 MB - SHA-256: b3fa73d490e9ca3b813e8e5a20be5fac90d07217027e78f97416b3cc6f676698
Comma Separated Values - 1.1 KB - SHA-256: d7a54018e61dc9ce55c93d1bc5c0a2f875642d99180eb6848dc200a3071677b8
Data from the table 1 of the reference document.
Comma Separated Values - 4.4 KB - SHA-256: 56e5ec5c649e11abf53054de984a395f99d902fc405840d466eaed76959888ec
Data from the table 2 of the reference document.
Comma Separated Values - 731 B - SHA-256: d172e31a668b618171a911bdd2114e397b1dd6edceff1553eb6c79e3290e4f30
Data from the table 3 of the reference document.
Aug 19, 2020 - Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI)
Müller, Fabian, 2020, "Replication Data for: Measurement of deuteron carbon vector analyzing powers in the kinetic energy range 170–380 MeV",, Jülich DATA, V1
This dataset contains the published vector analyzing powers as function of scattering angle and incident beam energy.
Comma Separated Values - 3.3 KB - SHA-256: acb6431861166ddbf01b655e7cca96ef027a9900aee2a2d827b543337cb2b0d4
The file contains a comma separated list of angular bins and vector analyzing powers for all energies. The first two lines are comments.
Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI) logo
Aug 19, 2020
This dataverse of the Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI) Collaboration, which is aiming to carry out a long term project for the measurement of the permanent electric dipole moments of charged particles in a storage ring. For further details see the collaboration...
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