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The dataverse of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Structural and functional organisation of the brain (INM-1)
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241 to 247 of 247 Results
SAS Syntax - 900 B - SHA-256: a1268aaac294605a82d1b251f90868d4da6b773cdcdf397d8272f7155afd00ce
Statistics of demographical data of cross-sectional sample
SAS Syntax - 1.4 KB - SHA-256: 7963d955639d8153073564d8ac29f21cd55b5c4c317cdc93f30d2bf43d3edefc
Load cross-sectional region volume data
SAS Syntax - 5.2 KB - SHA-256: 27cce4e6d99dc127d791bc5c2ad572519b1e780938f276749036b6fe193291b0
Bivariate mixed linear model of regional volume changes and clinical variables
SAS Syntax - 2.7 KB - SHA-256: 3710e92488b82aa904ad52dd24d07f64d15adc23c3a3bb8ff8724c796dcc4490
Longitudinal analysis of changes of clinical data
SAS Syntax - 4.2 KB - SHA-256: 340cdaf867e6b299b8d7e0d7a6557543e3d81ec8cd2410724f495dbcadefead8
Linear mixed model analysis of longitudinal changes of brain region volumes
SAS Syntax - 3.6 KB - SHA-256: 5ee3bbb31b9e174a43e7e59e676b080d543065a1bdcdc9f3956aeed5c14b3903
Statistical analysis of demographical and clinical data of the longitudinal sample
SAS Syntax - 2.7 KB - SHA-256: 84b636d8a848bdce572f312d443d733f55410fbc70b7f2967f17b329e79a8c07
Load longitudinal brain region volume changes
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