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This dataverse provides access to simulation results obtained with the mGROWA water balance model. The model has been developed at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences IBG-3: Agrosphere (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and implemented in numerous projects since 2010. mGROWA operates as an official water balance model in several countries. The model provides the data basis for long-term water resources assessments, the allocation of water rights and other water-related risk management decisions. The model development and application was supported by the Federal Republic of Germany (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF, German Environment Agency UBA), the European Commission (7th Framework Programme for Research), the Republic of Slovenia (Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Slovenian Environment Agency ARSO) und German federal state ministries and agencies (e.g., LANUV North Rhine-Westphalia, LBEG Lower Saxony), among others.

The data provided in this dataverse was produced at IBG-3 and by collaborating partners. Unless noted otherwise, the data sets, images, and other material are licensed under a creative commons license. Please see the descriptions of the data sets for details. Please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions. Mail to Frank Herrmann: f.herrmann [at]

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Feb 10, 2025
This dataverse collects simulation results from the mGROWA model for the territory of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
mGROWA Germany(FZJ IBG-3)
Feb 7, 2025
This dataverse collects simulation results from the mGROWA model for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
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