271 to 280 of 312 Results
Dec 13, 2021 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Leis, Arthur; Cherepanov, Vasily; Voigtländer, Bert; Tautz, F. Stefan, 2021, "Data used in: Nanoscale tip positioning with a multi-tip scanning tunneling microscope using topography images", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/YRLPL0, Jülich DATA, V1
We provide here the raw data used to produce the figures in the publication Leis et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2021, ??, DOI: ??. fig1a.png: Optical microscopy data used to produce figure 1a. fig2a.png, fig2b.png: Optical microscopy data used to produce figures 2a, 2b. fig2c.stp, fi... |
Dec 13, 2021 - Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Medical Imaging Physics (INM-4)
Kaulen, Nicolas; Rajkumar, Ravichandran; Régio Brambilla, Claudia; Mauler, Jörg; Ramkiran, Shukti; Orth, Linda; Sbaihat, Hasan; Lang, Markus; Christina, Wyss; Rota Kops, Elena; Scheins, Jürgen; Neumaier, Bernd; Ermert, Johannes; Herzog, Hans; Langen, Karl-Josef; Christoph Lerche; Shah, N.Jon; Veselinović, Tanja; Neuner, Irene, 2021, "In-vivo mGluR5 and GABAA Receptor Specific Parametric PET Atlas of the Human Brain", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/HDVEEF, Jülich DATA, V1
This Dataset holds the results of the manuscript entitled "mGluR5 and GABAA Receptor Specific Parametric PET Atlas Construction - PET/MR Data Processing Pipeline, Validation and Application". In this study, we propose a comprehensive processing pipeline for the construction of st... |
Nov 10, 2021 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Knol, Marvin; Arefi, Hadi H.; Corken, Daniel; Gardner, James; Tautz, F. Stefan; Maurer, Reinhard J.; Wagner, Christian, 2021, "Data used in: The stabilization potential of a standing molecule", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/4ZJTZK, Jülich DATA, V2
This dataset contains the data of (submitted) "The stabilization potential of a standing molecule". Please find the data for Fig. 2 in the zip archives "hard_axis.zip" and "soft_axis.zip". Each file contains two df images taken before and after the df(z) spectroscopy measurements... |
Nov 5, 2021 - Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3)
Vereecken, Luc, 2021, "Corrigendum Supporting Information Vereecken et al. 2017", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/UJ8OUQ, Jülich DATA, V1
The supporting information of the Vereecken et al. (2017) publication inadvertantly left out part of the supporting information of unsaturated Criegee intermediates. This information is made available below. Source publication: L. Vereecken, A. Novelli, D. Taraborrelli Unimolecul... |
Nov 2, 2021 - Central Library
Mittermaier, Bernhard, 2021, "Publikationsoutput DACH-Länder 2015-2020", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/3MPPCO, Jülich DATA, V1
Supplement zu Publikation "Transformationsverträge – Stairway to Heaven oder Highway to Hell?" in 027.7 : Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur |
Sep 11, 2021 - Peter Grünberg Institut – Quantum Nanoscience (PGI-3)
Leis, Arthur; Schleenvoigt, Michael; Cherepanov, Vasily; Lüpke, Felix; Schüffelgen, Peter; Mussler, Gregor; Grützmacher, Detlev; Voigtländer, Bert; Tautz, F. Stefan, 2021, "Data used in: Lifting the Spin-Momentum Locking in Ultra-Thin Topological Insulator Films", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/NJJZPL, Jülich DATA, V1
We provide here the raw data used to produce the figures in the publication Leis et al. Adv. Quantum Technol., 2021, 2100083, DOI: 10.1002/qute.202100083. Fig_2a.stp, Fig_S1a.stp, Fig_S1b.stp, Fig_S1c.stp, Fig_S1e.stp, Fig_S2a.stp, Fig_S2b1.stp, Fig_S2b2.stp: Scanning tunneling m... |
Sep 7, 2021 - Peter Grünberg Institute – Semiconductor Nanoelectronics (PGI-9)
Kölzer, Jonas; Moors, Kristof; Jalil, Abur R.; Zimmermann, Erik; Rosenbach, Daniel; Kibkalo, Lidia; Schüffelgen, Peter; Mussler, Gregor; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Lüth, Hans; Schäpers, Thomas, 2021, "Data for: In-plane magnetic field-driven symmetry breaking in topological insulator-based three-terminal junctions", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/CX10EO, Jülich DATA, V2
This data set includes the raw data of the three-terminal junction current measurements and the Python source code (incl. a Jupyter notebook) for the quantum transport simulations (based on Kwant) that (re)produce the results presented in Figs. S4-S9. |
Sep 2, 2021 - Institute of Fusion Energy and Nuclear Waste Management – Plasma Physics (IFN-1)
Koslowski, Hans Rudolf, 2021, "Data and octave codes for: Derivation of an Improved Semi-empirical Expression for the Re-ionisation Background in Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectra", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/2GRSPN, Jülich DATA, V1
This repository provides the raw data, the fitting results, and the GNU octave codes used for the low energy ion scattering spectra fits (figures 1, 7 and 8) in the publication H. R. Koslowski and Ch. Linsmeier 2021 "Derivation of an Improved Semi-empirical Expression for the Re-... |
Jul 28, 2021 - Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Nuclear Chemistry (INM-5)
Endepols, Heike, 2021, "Imaging of cerebral tryptophan metabolism using 7-[18F]FTrp-PET in a unilateral Parkinsonian rat model", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/MGRYJV, Jülich DATA, V1
Data used for the publication "Imaging of cerebral tryptophan metabolism using 7-[18F]FTrp-PET in a unilateral Parkinsonian rat model". Raw data of [18F]FTrp-PET and [18F]FDOPA-PET. |
Jun 25, 2021 - Earth System Science
Hoffmann, Lars; Spang, Reinhold, 2021, "Reanalysis Tropopause Data Repository", https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/UBNGI2, Jülich DATA, V1
This data repository provides access to tropopause parameters estimated from meteorological reanalyses. Currently, the repository covers ERA5, ERA-Interim, MERRA-2, and the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1. The tropopause data files provide geopotential height, pressure, temperature, and w... |